



Hammond Report August 3 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond

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Hammond Report August 3 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond

Hammond Report August 3 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from organist & accordionist Jon Hammond, today's music from
and story about "You can come out now!" yesterday when the world was riveted by the Live splashdown of the
Dragon Capusle, finally onboard the Go pickup ship everybody was waiting anxiously for the 'Space Dads' Robert Behnken & Douglas Hurley' to emerge from the capsule - it took a long time, so I was saying, hey, you can come out now already! It reminded me of when my friend Capt. Jacques Rosay Chief Test Pilot for
brought the test A380 aircraft for first time to SFO - it took a while until they could get the door open - see my film & music! Stay safe out there everybody, keep wearing your masks in public as long as we're in pandemic quarantino! I'll be back tomorrow with another Hammond Report -

Hammond Report, Music and Stories, You can come out now, Hammond Organist, Space-x, Dragon, Splashdown, Airbus, A380, Blues music, Jazz music, Hammond Organist, 3 August 2020